Latest Fatwaas

  • Question on dreaming of minbar

    09 Nov 2023 Ref-No#: 5512

    Salam sheikh hope your well inshallah. I have a question regarding of a dream that i had experienced this past week and has been in my mind. This was a summary of what happened. In the dream I was in a masjid that had red carpet and a minbar that had green on top and white or...

  • Fasting and Fidya

    19 Aug 2023 Ref-No#: 5229

    Hi, I have a chronic disease and metaplasia, I’m taking treatments for it now. I’m also anaemic. I used to be able to fast easily, but it’s the second year now and due to this, I find it very difficult because I can’t take my medicines. And now I’m starting a proper treatment plan...

  • Is my business halal?

    19 Aug 2023 Ref-No#: 5244

    I need some urgent advice please. I recently was in the process of starting a business and couldn’t find anything haraam with it. (I’ve come across many business I’ve wanted to start but found them to be haraam in some sort of way) So this business was a marketting business.<b...

  • Money exchange

    19 Aug 2023 Ref-No#: 5246

    Salam. I want to know about money exchange. We live in sweden. My father wants to exchange money in the home country Bangladesh. My father and the other man both live in sweden. My father will recieve swedish krona from him via bank transfer and my aunty in bangladesh on bahalf of my father will ...

  • Is it permissible?

    20 Jul 2023 Ref-No#: 5242

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I have a few questions about a few situations, if they are permissible or not, and I would appreciate if you could answer them: 1) I recently found out that folding pants during prayer is impermissible, are all my prayers be...

  • Ignoring each other

    20 Jul 2023 Ref-No#: 5243

    Assalamu aleikum, During high school there was a muslim teen that was kind of a jerk to me. After high school i hadn’t seen him for like 4 years. Eventually we passed each other on the street and ignored each other. Same with another guy that was a jerk to me. I ignored him when i sa...

  • Make promise in the name of Allah but forgot it

    13 Jul 2023 Ref-No#: 5245

    As-Salaam-Alaikum this is a silly situation in which I am stuck. The problem is that I just came home from outside after visiting my friend and decided to take a bath but then I decided not to take it.. after a while I just make a promise in the name of Allah accidently that I will put one mug of...

  • Paying someone while knowing they will use the money to pay off interest-bearing debt.

    13 Jul 2023 Ref-No#: 5248

    I am writing to seek your guidance on a matter that has been weighing on my conscience. I work as a software developer for a client who runs a sunbathing studio. Unfortunately, there were some bugs in the app I created for the client, which resulted in a loss of revenue for him. I apologized to t...

  • Dua at the end of salah

    04 Jul 2023 Ref-No#: 5231

    Is it permissible to make dua in english after saying “at tahiyyatu” and giving salams in the last rakat of fard salah? Will making dua in english invalidate my salah? I heard that making dua in english invalidates the salah, but also that the dua at the end of salah is not considered...

  • Reconciliation After an Ignorant Remark and the Risk of Apostasy in MarriageReconciliation After an Ignorant Remark and the Risk of Apostasy in Marriage

    04 Jul 2023 Ref-No#: 5250

    I am writing to seek your guidance on a matter related to my recent marriage. I was having a conversation with my wife about an Islamic ruling, and I may have been hard on her while explaining it, which upset her. In response, I asked her “are you not Muslim?”, to which she replied &#...