Reconciliation After an Ignorant Remark and the Risk of Apostasy in MarriageReconciliation After an Ignorant Remark and the Risk of Apostasy in Marriage

04 Jul 2023 Ref-No#: 5250

I am writing to seek your guidance on a matter related to my recent marriage. I was having a conversation with my wife about an Islamic ruling, and I may have been hard on her while explaining it, which upset her. In response, I asked her “are you not Muslim?”, to which she replied “no!”. I became very upset with her, but she later clarified that she is, in fact, Muslim. I believe that she may have been ignorant of the ruling that uttering such words takes one out of the fold of Islam. I want to clarify the following questions:

Do we have to repeat our nikah (marriage) due to this situation?
Is the intercourse I had with her afterwards considered zina (adultery)?
It is important to note that my wife prays all of her prayers and is very religious otherwise. I would greatly appreciate your guidance on this matter.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Respected brother,

One uttering such words deliberately makes one kaafir and should repent, seek forgiveness, renew faith and renew marriage contract in the presence of two witnesses and new mahr.

However if such words slip out in duress then it is not kufr as long as the heart is convinced of Iman but it is incumbent to avoid such words.

Also it is requested that you use wisdom in this time of religious ignorance and fitnah. Try becoming a saviour of people’s Iman and not be a source for people losing faith. Iman is the most important asset in our life, take good care of it.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best


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