Wearing of taweez

15 Feb 2022 Ref-No#: 1063

Assalamualaikum wrwb
I would like to ask you regarding the wearing of taweez as they say or amulet.
My husband was affected by black magic and jinn posession(lover jinn)which may be because of the former, Allah swt better knows. However my in laws had taken him to a maulana who did his treatment and after a month or so on the insistence of my mother in law he gave her taweez for my husband. I firmly do not believe in taweez and amulets etc. , as i believe it is a form of shirk and gainst the quran and sunnah but i am unable to explain this to my husband. He says that if there is any form of words related to shirk in it he would not wear it.we had sent a picture of this taweez to a another maulana who was unable to decode it though. I have the picture of the taweez if u could please tell me what is written in it. I am unable to attatch it here in the message box.


Wa ʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

Kindly email us a picture of the Ta’weez so that we are able to comment.

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