Waswasas about kufr

24 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 3166

Assalam u Alaikum i am having alot of doubts that is this kufr is that kufr i am really scared of doing anything that’s kufr I’ll be humbled if you’ll explain that what things and actions are considered kufr. I just wanna die as Muslim with firm iman and i am really afraid of doing anything that’s kufr. Is this a sin to be afraid of doing kufr as Muslim should only be fearful to Allah.


Wa ʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

The actions which can lead to Kufr are many and cannot all be listed herewith.

It should be noted that as long as one follows the teachings of Islām properly, In Shā Allāh, then there is no fear of Kufr that should remain.

In the instance where you are unsure regarding the implications of a specific thought or action, you are free to contact us for clarification.

It is, indeed, commendable that you are afraid of perpetrating an act of Kufr, and this does not constitute Kufr.

To be fearful is an inborn quality of a human being, however, there are different types of fear such as fearing failure, fearing life, and fearing Allāh ﷻ for example.

The way that one fears to commit Kufr is not the same as the way that one should fear Allāh ﷻ; hence, such thought should not bother you.

We ask Allāh to protect you from the evil whispers of Shayṭān and to protect you from all forms of Kufr.

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