Récipients of zakaat

26 Jan 2023 Ref-No#: 4573

In a place where everyone follow the maliki madhab.
Zaid, a hanafi, has 1000€ he thus have to pay zakah.
Ahmad, a maaliki, has 2000€ and doesn’t have to pay zakah (as he based his calculation on nisaab of gold). In fact he is considéréd éligible to receive zakah according to his madhab.

My question is : Can Zaid give zakat to Ahmad even though thé récipient is ‘richer’ than him? Or should he sends his zakaat to his country (or any other country) that based their calculation on silver (where thé récipient will then be someone ‘poorer’ than him) ?



Wa’alaykum as Salām wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuhu,

The ruling applies to the person discharging, and not the person receiving the Zakāh.

As such, in this scenario, it will not be permissible for Zaid to give his funds to a person who has more than him.

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