
05 Jan 2022 Ref-No#: 4309

Assalamu Alaykum

Q1) How can I find the Qibla for Salah where ever I am. If I am in a different country how can I find the Qibla for Salah or if I am in a moving vehicle like an aeroplane or a train how can I find the Qibla for Salah


Wa ʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

The best way to find out the Qiblah direction in another country would be to ask the Muslims of that country.

If this cannot be achieved after making an attempt to do so, then in current times, the easiest method to determine the Qiblah direction would be the usage of scientific instruments such as compasses or the usage of reliable and accurate applications that are widely available on electronic devices.

If you are on a plane, then generally you would be able to determine the Qiblah direction by observing the onboard screens which display the direction of the flight in relation to the world map.

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