Performing Salah at a Musallah

19 Jan 2022 Ref-No#: 2529

Assalamu alaykum,

If there is no Masjid where I live, but we have a Musallah in our locality, where people congregate and pray, what will be the differance between me praying at home in congregation, verse me praying at this facility, which is not a Masjid?


WaʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

A Muṣallā refers to a place where prayers are performed or a place where congregational prayers are temporarily held.

One feature of a Muṣallā is that general and easy access is given to all Muslims, and this also assists the progression of a community whereby Muslims meet with each other, learn from each other and assist each other where necessary.

In the absence of a Masjid, a Muṣallā also fulfills the function of becoming a center point for the Muslims of the area, and a place for new Muslims seeking support, as well as those interested in embracing the fold of Islām.

The only difference is that a Muṣallā does not hold the same sanctity as that of a Masjid; hence, in terms of rewards, a Masjid provides a greater deal.

The difference between congregational prayers performed at home and congregational prayers performed at the Muṣallā would be the features mentioned above.

If one’s home provides the same features, then there would be no problem in hosting congregational prayers therein.

It would be much to the detriment of the community for people to begin hosting private congregational prayers, as this will become a barrier from growing as a Muslim community and could affect the need to construct a Masjid in later years.

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