Is my job halal?

19 Jan 2022 Ref-No#: 2571

I work for a consulting group and our task is to provide the village with solutions on how to recycle their waste.
There are two wastes:
A liquid that comes from cheese and sawdust.

The liquid that comes from cheese:
The village owns a farm and they keep pigs on the farm (they do not eat these pigs they just raise them). The villagers already use some of the liquid waste to feed the pigs. As a team, we have to come up with solutions on how they can use the remaining liquid waste. Would this be haram because some team members have to decide how much liquid waste should go to the pigs and the other solutions? Would it be okay if I worked on the other halal ways to use the waste? But it is important to note that the halal solutions for recycling the liquid waste will be used alongside feeding the pigs.

The sawdust
Would it be halal to use the sawdust for making fires for a barbeque? The village is in the UK so they will most probably be grilling haram meat (unlawfully slaughtered beef and chicken or pork)


Assalāmuʿalaykum Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

In principle, it is not impermissible to feed pigs. Though they are impure and unlawful for consumption, they are still the creation of Allāh ﷻ.

However, if it is done with the sole objective of aiding the pork industry where these pigs will eventually be consumed, then it will not be permissible.

With regard to the sawdust, there is no problem in utilizing it for barbeques, irrespective of what meat the consumers will be grilling, as one cannot be certain that only unlawful meat will be grilled and consumed.

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