Haram relationship

11 Jan 2024 Ref-No#: 5668

Hope your answer to my question will be needful for me, how to make haram relationship as halal. And also what is the punishment in Islam for haram relationship? How to strengthen imaan, as i feel very guilty of not being obedient, not following Islam properly, after repenting so many times again I’m ending up doing same sins,how to avoid it? Want a guidance to strengthen my iman. Hoping for your answer
Fi amanillah


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Wa ‘alaykum us-salāmu wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Respected questioner,
We commend you on your desire to reform.

Islam celebrates nature. There are halal ways to meet our needs. To make a Haram relationship halal, you need to get married to that person.

If nikah is not possible, terminate the relationship immediately and abstain from all that might lead to this grave sin.

Your guilt is the first step towards tawbah. Next, make strong intention of refraining from this major sin in future and seek forgiveness constantly and continuously. Seek refuge in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, be in the state of wudu, pray salatut tawbah and fast as much as possible. Stay in the company of the pious, fill your heart with the love and fear of Allah Ta’ala by reading islamic content. Beg Allah Ta’ala to guide you to the straight path, to make you steadfast on Imaan and totally obedient to His commandments.

If marriage to someone else is possible, than get married. Allah ﷻ puts love between spouses and barakah in their lives.

Man is created weak and hence after sincere efforts, if one falls back into a sin he should repeat his tawbah with more firmness and humility. Allah is the most merciful, the most kind and accepts tawbah again and again.

Zina is a major sin. It incurs the wrath and anger of Allah Ta’ala. This horrendous and abhorrent sin distances one from the loving Rabb.

In a country governed by a Shariah law, an unmarried person convicted for zina, will be punished hundred lashes while a married person, will be stoned to death.

Imaan is the most precious blessing of Allah ﷻ. Iman is strengthened by being in the company of the pious, connecting to a spiritual mentor, remembering Allah ﷻ, pondering over His creation, reciting and understanding the Qur’an, acquiring islamic knowledge, engaging in pious actions such as Salah, fasting etc.

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