Confusion regarding haidh

28 Jul 2021 Ref-No#: 3218

Assalamualikum respected muftisaheb

Before I begin, I would like to ask for maaf for the nature of my question.

I am unmarried and follow the hanafi madhab.
I have recently been experiencing difficulty and much confusion in determining whether my haidh has ended or not.

This month, my cycle began on Monday, at around asr time. This is the time at which I had seen red discharge/blood – I am mentioning this point, since, during Monday morning, I experienced thick discharge, the color of which I think was yellow or off-white. Hence, I am not sure if this discharge is counted as part of my haidh or not. Furthermore, I am not certain as to whether this discharge could have occurred as a result of a wet dream.

My haidh continued for the week. On Sunday, at zuhr time I checked and I noticed discharge which was brown in color. I checked again at asr, maghrib, esha and fajr (of the Monday which followed) and I didn’t see any discharge at all. There was no discharge on my pantyliner, nor on the tissue.
(the reason why I did not make ghusl despite not seeing any discharge, is because, during my previous months cycle, I had made ghusl on the 6th day and on the 7th day, I noticed discharge again).

On Monday, (day 7 of this month’s cycle), shortly before zuhr, I wiped with a tissue and I seen thick discharge. To me, the color was not pure white. It appeared to me as off-white. Since I could not immediately gauge the color of this discharge, I decided to touch it. When I touched it, I noticed that the color was clear and the consistency seemed to have changed to discharge which is thin.
I made ghusl and performed my zuhr salah. After zuhr, I once again checked my pantyliner and wiped with a tissue, but I did not see any discharge.

At asr time, my pantyliner was clean. However, as I wiped with a tissue, I once again noticed a thick discharge. This discharge again appeared to me as off-white. However, since I could not immediately determine the color, I once again touched the discharge and this time it seemed to be cloudy, but not exactly pure white.
Despite my confusion, I made wudhu and performed asr, maghrib and esha, however, I did not have another ghusl bath.
After esha and again at fajr time, I checked with a tissue and I noticed a small amount of clear discharge.

1) please can muftisaheb advise as to when do I consider that my haidh has begun? In the case of this month, do I consider that my haidh began from Monday morning when I noticed the off-white/yellowish discharge, or do I consider my haidh from the time I seen the red discharge/blood.

2) please can muftisaheb advise, in the above situation, from which day do I consider myself as being paak? Do I consider myself paak from Sunday, day 6 of my cycle, when at asr time I didn’t see any discharge. Or do I consider myself paak, from Monday, day 7 of my cycle?

3) from whichever day I have to consider myself as paak, please can muftisaheb advise then as to which salahs I need to make qadha of?

4) please can muftisaheb advise, in future, how do I determine whether my haidh has ended or not?

Please make me maaf muftisaheb for the lengthy email.

I truly appreciate any assistance which muftisaheb is able to offer.

Jazak-Allah muftisaheb


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

  • The semen of a female could be yellowish in colour. Since you assume you had a wet dream, your menstrual cycle would begin when you saw the red discharge.
  • You saw blood on Monday which was ‘off-white’. This is a broad term, especially since your last period was seven days.

Assuming that it was yellowish, you would consider Monday as part of your period.

Bear in mind that the colour of the blood is only taken into consideration when it is fresh and still wet. The colour of the blood is not considered after oxidation or drying.

However, if the discharge was greyish, then that is not from the womb (it is a vaginal infection). In that case, your period terminated on Sunday.

If it was really white, then you would be clean from Sunday.

  • This will depend entirely on the colour of the discharge that you saw on Monday at Asr. If it was white, then you do not have to repeat any prayers.

If it was yellow, then you should repeat the prayers from Monday Maghrib until the time you made Ghusl.

  • Haidh starts from the time you SEE the discharge. So try to see it once you are convinced that it is time. That will help eliminate your confusion. With regards to the end, take into consideration the colour whilst the discharge is fresh and wet.


ومن جملة ذلك ما رأته المرأة على غير ألوان الدم، وعند ذلك يحتاج إلى معرفة ألوان الدم: ما تراه المرأة في حالة الحيض من الدماء ستة: بعضها على الوفاق وبعضها على الخلاف. أما الذين على الوفاق إنهم قالوا: السواد والحمرة والصفرة حيض، وهذا لأن الأصل بالدم الحمرة، إلا أن غلبة السواد انصرف إلى السواد، وعند غلبة الصفرة انصرف إلى الصفرة. فأما الذات واحد. وكان الشيخ الإمام الزاهد الماتريدي رحمه الله مرة يقول في الصفرة إذا رأتها ابتداء في زمان الحيض: إنها حيض، فأما إذا رأتها في زمان الطهر واتصل ذلك بزمان الحيض فإنها لا تكون حيضاً، ومرة يقول: إذا اعتادت المرأة أن ترى أيام الطهر صفرة وأيام الحيض حمرة فحكم صفرتها يكون حكم الطهر حتى لو امتدت هي بها لم يحكم لها بالحيض في شيء من هذه الصفرة لأن الحال دل على أن طهرها بهذه الصفة فقيل يحتمل أنه اعتبر ذلك في صفرة يغلب على لونها البياض وحكمها حكم الطهر على قول أكثر المشايخ. ثم إن بعض مشايخنا رحمهم الله وقته بصفرة القز، وبعضهم بصفرة التين وبعضهم بصفرة السّبر وعن محمد بن مقاتل رحمه الله: أن يعتبر فيه أدنى ما ينطلق عليه اسم الصفر، وهذا كله في المرأة إذا كانت في ذوات الأقراء (محيط البرهاني  -1 /399)

والصفرة كصفرة القز والتبن أو السن على الاختلاف؛ ثم المعتبر حالة الرؤية لا حالة التغير؛ كما لو رأت بياضا فاصفر باليبس أو رأت حمرة أو صفرة فابيضت باليبس (رد المحتار  – 1 / 289)

 (والمعتبر في اللون) من حمرة او غيرها (حين يرتفع الحشو) ال الكرسف (وهو طري ولا يعتبر التغير) الي لون آخر (ذخر المتأهلين  – ص: 169- 170)

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