About beard

22 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4750

Many scholars of india say that cutting beard is not haram it is sunna but not furd.is this true and my parents does not allow me keep beard as I am 14 year old.but I want to keep long beard when I talk about this to them they shout at me and say that If it was a sin in the day of judgement we will take your these sins what to do now can you please tell me I tried to convince them but they don’t let me.


Wa’alaykum as-Salām waraḥmatullāhi wa barakātuhu,

It is highly emphasized to keep the beard.  Your parent should understand that the day of Qiyāmah is no easy day. On that day, they will betray those whose sins they are promising to take.

With diplomacy, explain to them to the best of your ability that you really want to keep the beard. Get a reliable to also speak to them. Make Du‘ā that Allāh softens their hearts and that they agree.

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