
16 Jun 2023 Ref-No#: 5397

Hello I want to know whether the novel “the author pov” is permissible to read?

It takes place in a different world than ours and there are devil mentioned in them but they are regarded as bad people(not all of them) and also some people do make contract with them but it teaches nothing about black magic not do I have any intention to learn it,in that case will it be permissible to read?
Also plz research it first before Answering.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

 As-salāmu alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Respected sister,

It is immensly pleasing to know your desire to follow sharia. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala grow your love for him and his Deen.

Literature affects people’s psychology. Reading takes people away from reality, captures ones imagination and heart through captivating plots and characters. A well written book affects ones moral code. It blurs the lines between right and wrong , acceptable and unethical. So much so that books may affect ones Iman.

Our life is short and very precious. We need to work hard to get back to our homeland, Haven.

Here are some principles that you should apply to choosing literature and entertainment.

1: It is permissible to read novels provided their content is in conformity with shariah has no idolatry, belittling of Muslim personalities and ideologies, vulgarity, immorality or glorification of sins, crimes etc.

2: It should be beneficial.

Such books might be read for polishing ones linguistic skills provided the reading does not affect ones Iman.

Non-fiction is always much more rewarding. You can read about environment, science, life and many other topics of your interest.

Muslims have a treasure trove of valuable masterpieces of Islamic books, that can enhance and enlighten you, your life and life of people around you.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

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