Displaying Images of Women

15 Feb 2022 Ref-No#: 1245


I would like a fatwa regarding an activity I am considering.
If I were to download existing videos from Youtube and then edit parts of it and re-upload it to Youtube, but that video has images of women talking (or even just the voice of the women without the woman’s image), then would this re-posting of videos be allowed in the Shariah?
Youtube pays me a certain amount based on how many views I can get to a video which I upload.

So if I take somebody else’s video and edit it (all legally), then reupload it, but with elements of women in there, or a woman’s voice in there, or football scenes with men’s knees uncovered, would these video postings be permissible?
Although the focus of the video is not to display these aspects, but they happen to be included in the subject of the video.
I’d really appreciate a speedy answer.



Wa ʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

According to some scholars, the re-posting of such videos will be permissible provided it is free from unlawful elements such as the displaying of men whose knees are exposed and women whose body (besides her hands, face, and feet) is uncovered or the shapes and contours of their bodies can be noticed.

With regard to the woman’s voice, it would be allowed, though not advisable, with the condition that her tone is not alluring, appealing, and attractive.

On the other hand, there are scholars who regard such videos as impermissible.

The Prophet ﷺ said:

That which is Ḥalāl is clear, and that which is Ḥarām is clear, however, between that (Ḥalāl and Ḥarām) are matters that are doubtful (not clear); many people do not know whether it is (clearly) Ḥalāl or Ḥarām. Whoever leaves out (that which is doubtful) to protect his religion and his honor, then he will be safe, and whoever falls into something from them (doubtful things), then he soon will have fallen into Ḥarām. [Sunan Al-Tirmidhī]

We, therefore, advise that you practice caution in this regard.

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