What does “millat of Ibrahim” mean?

22 Feb 2022 Ref-No#: 4175

I have seen some people saying that “millat of Ibrahim” means religion, and others say that it means the creed of Ibrahim (‘alaihis-salâm) What does it mean?


Assalāmuʿalaykum Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

Allāh ﷻ says:

“The Millah of your father, Ibrāhīm” [al-Qur’ān 22:78]

The word Millah could either mean ‘faith’ or ‘good actions’.

Therefore, the phrase in question could either translate as ‘the faith of Ibrāhīm (alayhis-salām)’ or ‘the good actions if Ibrāhīm (alayhis-salām)’.


Ma’ariful Qur’an 6/292 Karāchī

أي : كلمة أبيكم (تفسير الطبري)

وقيل : المعنى وافعلوا الخير فعل أبيكم ، فأقام الفعل مقام الملة  (تفسير القرطبي)

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