Waswas divorce

19 Jan 2022 Ref-No#: 2581

Asalamu alaikum i have a question that keeps me very busy.

My husband and i where talking about a woman who had contact with another man while she was engaged. Then my husband said: if you would did that to me (having contact with another man while we where engaged) it would be immediatly over between us. Unfortunately i did had contact with another man while we were engaged and my husband dont know that. Does this count as a divorce? Can a husband make a conditional divorce on something the happend in the past and is that divorce valid?

I’m very confused because we need to conceal our sins right? So i dont know if this is valid or not. I hope you can help me. May Allah reward you


WaʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

In the enquired scenario, a divorce has not occurred.

Furthermore, it best to keep turning in repentance to Allāh ﷻ over what has happened in the past.

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