Video call for marriage purpose

05 Mar 2022 Ref-No#: 2283

Salam alaikum. Sheikh I got introduced to a girl via a matrimonial site. She lives in Saudi Arabia. I only communicated with her via message and alhamdulillah I think we have basic compatibility. But before I make the final proposal I would like to meet her in person. But going to saudi arabia is not easy and expensive. My question is – Is it permissible for me to I can communicate with her via internet with video like via skype so that I can see her (with hijab of course) and talk to her? If yes could you please also give me a guideline that I should follow while communicating to her in the video call?
In any case I also would like to meet her person. Could you please let me know the guideline that I need to follow then?
JazakAllah khair


WaʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

Kindly refer to the following articles:

Bear in mind that when communicating with this girl, it should not be done in a private setting, the communication should be constructive and backed by a meaningful purpose whilst futile talk should be avoided.

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