Things that hapen in my mind

26 Jan 2022 Ref-No#: 962

Often when I am staying idle or doing something an urge or instinct comes to me urging me to think about bad things .I think about the destructions in the middle east and of the past in Europe. Bad things because there is an urge of curiosity. How would the ugliest blasphemy look like. Often I end up imagining blasphemous things like paraphilia and phallic god( Blasphemy or idolatory with sexual content where god is insulted with sexual things) My first question is: Is this case called intentionally or deliberately bringing blasphemous thoughts to mind and thus nullifies my islam or it is called thinking? And thinking is like passing thoughts and waswas and thus not held accountable or no sin on me? What would make them sinful? Is it the intention(deeds are judged by intention) like if you bring them to mind for attaining pleasure would you nullify your islam or commit major kufr? The second question is: My mind often plays like a tape recorder all kinds of things I have heard ,seen or felt and even invents sounds, images and actions. Example: It plays an image, sound and feeling as if i am hitting god with my arms and I feel the feeling that is produced by hitting god with your arms. It plays a sound as if I am insulting god with bad words and I feel the unique sound of those bad words. It plays an action as if I am hitting god with my genital organ and a feeling is produced as a result of this that is felt by my genital organ and other parts of the body. Second question : Is this case called intentionally or deliberately bringing blasphemous thoughts to mind and thus nullifies my islam or it is called thinking? And thinking is like passing thoughts and waswas and thus not held accountable or no sin on me? What would make them sinful? Is it the intention(deeds are judged by intention) like if you bring them to mind for attaining pleasure would you nullify your islam or commit major kufr?



Assalāmuʿalaykum Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

There are 5 stages pertaining to thoughts and intentions:

  1. An involuntary good/bad thought.
  2. A passing good/bad thought.
  3. A hesitancy to act upon a good/bad thought.

NB: One will not be held accountable for the above three.

  1. An inclination to act upon a good/bad thought.

One will be rewarded for a good inclination but at the same time not be held accountable for a bad inclination.

  1. A firm resolve to act upon a good/bad thought.

One will be rewarded for acting upon good and held accountable for acting upon bad.

In the enquired scenario, if such thoughts are entertained, then they would fall under the fifth category as mentioned above as the mind now acts upon (entertains) such thoughts rather than the mind being inclined to think such.

Though one may be held accountable for such thoughts, they will only constitute Kufr if the heart beliefs in such Gods or if they are equated to Allāh ﷻ in any way or considered to be Him ﷻ, in which case the Imān of such a person should be renewed.

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