Reciting surah Fatiha in prayer, waswas

22 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4704

Esselamu alejkum we rahmetullahi we berakatuhu.

I have difficulties when reciting surah Fatiha in prayer, especially verse 4. I also have problems with the Arabic letter r with tashdeed and on verse 4 with the Arabic letter y with tesdeed (iyyake). I have to repeat some verses in prayer because of this and its very difficult for me. What should I do? Sometimes I’m not sure that I’m saying a nice iyyake with tashdeed and repeat and repeat, and I don’t know if my prayer is correct because of that and if I’m committing shirk if I make a mistake because if the iyake is pronounced it changes its meaning. I am sure that I already have waswas about this because sometimes when I finish the prayer, I think that I have committed shirk but I am not sure and I have to say the sehadah again and the translation of the sehadah and ask for forgiveness from Allah. I get confused when I’m sure that I’m pronouncing iyyake correctly, but it comes to me as waswas na I’m not correct that it’s without tashdeed and I repeat it. I pronounce iyyaka beautifully and correctly when I recite surah Fatiha aloud, but when I recite it quietly, it’s as if I’m letting air through the y and it’s hard for me. I am worried and tired of waswas. I have been talking about impurities in the house. My parents think I’m crazy because I wash my hands a lot of times and I think that house is all impure. And all those impurities come from the bathroom because the few drops of urine fell on the floor in the bathroom and my little brother didn’t wash himself from impurities. When someone walks in the place where I pray, I have to wipe that place and many other things I have to wash my feet after walking in the house and wear the shoes. I have jinns attacks and have problems with sihr me and my mother and jinn inside me as far as I understand. Do you have any tips?
I also have problems at school with my friends swearing about religion and other things, I warned them not to swear but they continue, I did commit kufr if sometimes I can’t leave class when they start swearing. I avoid them as much as possible, it annoys me that they swear, but sometimes they swear at me on purpose. Is it kufr for me to ignore them and hate what they curse.

I apologize for the too long text

Is it possible that I have waswas because of that djinn inside me.
I have some thoughts when writing this that what I am writing to you is kufr, Estagfirullah.

Sorry for bad english.


Wa’alaykum as-Salām waraḥmatullāhi wa barakātuhu,

To the best of your ability, try one time to recite Iyyaka properly and then continue with your prayer. There is no Shirk,

Visit a doctor and ask him to assist with OCD.

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