Problems regarding purity

23 Jun 2021 Ref-No#: 2999

I am a follower of hanafi madhab,
I have some serious waswasas regarding purity.few days ago,some impurity fell in the mat of my room and some impurity contaminated the floor under the a member of my family took a mop and made it wet and wiped the floor once and took it to bathroom and made it just wet again by putting it under the tap and made it wet and wiped that place.also some drops of water dripped from that mop and contaminated the mat which was outside of bathroom after it was made wet second time and also the drops contaminated the floor …The floor of our house is not embedded with tiles neither it’s made of mud.. Actually I don’t know what kind of floor our house have so I am giving you some pictures in this drive link of our floor.

I don’t know how to make this floor pure and also I don’t know that the way my family member wiped it ,made the floor pure or not.but if impurity falls in the floor Is it enough to wipe the floor thrice with a wet cloth making it pure after wiping each time ? My family member didn’t follow this process so I’m having some serious problems like-

1. Did the mop became pure after it was put under the tap?and the water which came out of the mop after pouring water over it was impure?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

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If the floor is smooth like tiles,  then it is sufficient to just wipe the impurity with a wet cloth. That means that your floor is definitely pure.

You understand that it is Waswasah, so just ignore these thoughts.


(قوله ونحو السيف بالمسح) أي يطهر كل جسم صقيل لا مسام له بالمسح جديدا كان أو غيره فخرج الجديد إذا كان عليه صدأ أو منقوشا فإنه لا يطهر إلا بالغسل وخرج الثوب الصقيل لوجود المسام ودخل الظفر إذا كان عليه نجاسة فمسحها وكذلك الزجاجة والزبدية الخضراء أعني المدهونة والخشب الخراطي والبوريا القصب كما في فتح القدير وزاد في السراج الوهاج العظم والآبنوس وصفائح الذهب والفضة إذا لم تكن منقوشة (البحر الرائق –  1 / 236)


و) يطهر (صقيل) لا مسام له (كمرآة) وظفر وعظم وزجاج وآنية مدهونة أو خراطي وصفائح فضة غير منقوشة بمسح يزول به أثرها مطلقا به يفتى (حاشية ابن عابدين – 2 310 /)

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