Job in financial services

12 Dec 2021 Ref-No#: 4183

Is it permissible to work in a company which offers financial services including operating leases and financial leases which earns the company interest income ?


Assalāmuʿalaykum Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

If the majority of the company’s income is generated from interest, then it would not be permissible to work there.

If the majority of the company’s income is not generated from interest, but one’s job entails the direct involvement with interest (i.e., providing financial advice or services which involves interest, making interest-based payments, receiving interest on behalf of the company, or recording interest-based transactions as they happen), then it would not be permissible to work there. However, in this scenario, if one’s job does not entail such and one is merely employed in the IT department for example, and there is no involvement in the ‘interest’ aspect of the company, then it would be permissible to work there.

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