Exposing awrah in front of mahram due to health & medical needs.

16 Feb 2022 Ref-No#: 4370

Assalamualaikum, I’m a 17 years old male Muslim. I’m having some problems with my mother. Even at this age, she often baths me. She says, I can’t clean myself properly, so once in 2 or 3 weeks she bathes me. Is it permissible for her to bath me? And also she wants to check up & clean my private parts, should I let her clean my private parts?

2nd question:
Whenever my siblings or I had high fever, and it’s necessary to push a suppository paracetamol into our back passage for reducing fever, it’s our mother who pushed it. But last time I needed it when I was child, but because it’s a medical need, should I let her to do that now? She can see both my butt & penis while doing it.

Pardon my mistakes but please answer me as soon as possible, I really need to know! Jajakallah Khairan.


Wa ʿAlaykumus Salām Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuh

  1. Your mother should not bathe you, because in doing so, it may lead to other detrimental implications such as the establishment of Hurmah al-Muṣāharah which may compromise the status of her Nikāh or the possibility of incest which has found its way into Muslim homes, unfortunately.

May Allāh ﷻ keep you protected.

  1. It will be permissible for your mother to push the suppository under the condition that you expose only that much of your back passage enough for her to do so and not to expose other areas such as your front private organ.

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