Category : Adab (etiquettes)

  • Amr Bil Ma’ruf Wan Nahy ‘Anil Munkar

    12 Jun 2019 Ref-No#: 1909

    As salamu alaykum respected Mufti, can you give a rulling about the attitude of the Muslim in the shariyyah must hold about of these three following narrations and wisdom of the shariyyah, what is the jazakallah khayran. 1. Sayyiduna Hudhayfah ibn Yaman (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that N...

  • Gheebah and its expiation

    15 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1699

    Salam, I know how Backbiting is a major sin in Islam and for years I have struggled with this. But knowingly and also unknowingly, I do alot of backbiting for people I know(relatives/friends) and also people I do not know(celebrities/ Tv personalities) bc its considered normal to talk abou...

  • Backbiting

    30 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1046

    Asalamualaikum My relatives back home were asking for a heap amount of things from one of my aunties living in the West to buy for them. My mum told me about this situation and how the relatives back home were asking my auntie for a lot of things, including expensive things & al...

  • Handshaking

    06 Jul 2018 Ref-No#: 789

    Asselamu Alaykum We get guests sometimes in my house and even though my intentions are COMPLETELY PURE, I know that its prohibited for me to touch them. How can I deny a handshake without looking rude? ...

  • Interacting with opposite gender

    27 Feb 2018 Ref-No#: 342


  • What is the best way to reply to JazakAllah Khairan?

    25 Feb 2018 Ref-No#: 223

    How should we reply if someone tells me Jazakallah khairan? Some people say ‘Ameen’, others says ‘wa iyyaak’ and many dont say anything. ...